May 11, 2015

atlanta birth photography

welcome, baby cohen--May the 4th be with you!

This awesome homebirth took a while to get going, but as his papa had hoped, baby boy arrived on the evening of May 4th. There are so many reasons I love homebirths, and I am so happy for this sweet family. I was honored to be their birth photographer!

For birth photography clients I am on-call 24/7 for the month surrounding their estimated due date (two weeks before and two weeks after). During this time I always have my phone on me, and check it every hour-- sometimes even waking up in the middle of the night to do so! During early labor I keep in touch with my clients, and when my they are ready for me to join them I aim to arrive within an hour and a half.

#papalove #atlantabirthphotographer #birth #birthphotographer #homebirth #newborn #baby #midwifery