Dec 23, 2016

atlanta doula + birth photographer

atlanta doula + birth photographer; welcome, Rosie!

What a fun birthday. Baby Rosalie waited for the cold weather to arrive in Atlanta before making her entrance, and her parents did an amazing job at creating a loving and peaceful birthday for her. I was honored to be their birth doula and birth photographer, and I was blown away by their sweet sense of humor throughout the day. What a special time to be a part of!

People often ask how I can be a birth doula and a birth photographer at the same time. The short answer is that I juggle, and there might be shots I miss if I am also the doula. But usually, and especially if there is a birth partner there to help, I find it easy to juggle the two jobs. As a doula I am already juggling providing comfort measures, monitoring the ambience, involving a partner when applicable, and so much more, so adding my birth photographer hat to that list is not so hard.

This client actually said in our postpartum visit, "I don't know how you had time to take any pictures--I needed you pressing on my hips for every contraction!"...I was able to take pictures by including her partner. I showed him how to do what was helpful, and we took turns. And when it was his turn I grabbed a drink of water, refilled the essential oil in the diffuser, and took a few pictures. :-)

I never share birth photography without permission, and I'm so happy that permission was given. Below you can watch the birth of Rosalie, a birth story. I create a birth story for every birth photography client--a truly amazing event shown artfully and honestly in about five minutes. Enjoy!

birth doula . postpartum doula . birth photographer . family photographer

atlanta . decatur

authentic. moments

#decaturfamilyphotographer #birthstory #doulababy #atlantabirthphotographer #doula #doulaphotographer #atlantadoula #birthphotographer #midwives #birth #midwifery #birthphotography #familyphotography #atlantaphotographer