Apr 27, 2022

Year In The Life | April 2022 | Atlanta

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

Documentary family photography is all about capturing real life, and Year in the Life sessions focus on family life. Sometimes that means photographing special celebrations like birthdays and Easter, and other times it means documenting the everyday. It's a chance to slow down and see the beauty you've created.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about two or more things being true at the same time, and my April sessions reminded me a lot of this idea. Our family lives are full of chaos and quiet, of crying and cuddling. I love documentary family photography because it gives me permission to document all of it--real real life :)

A whole year, documented and delivered to you in a beautiful album.
Because it is what I do for my own family. Documentary photography (candid) with a few portraits mixed in to tell your family's story right now. Sometimes at home, and sometimes out and about in your world. I will document your family multiple times throughout the year, and at the end I will create a photo album of our time together.

This 12 month subscription has three options with limited spots available:

12 One Hour Sessions | 1 a month

6 Two Hour Sessions | 1 every other month

4 Two Hour Sessions | 1 a season