Sep 8, 2022

YEAR IN THE LIFE Family Photography | August 2022 | Atlanta

Updated: Oct 3, 2022

Documentary Family Photography

It was another hot hot August in Atlanta, but my Year in the Life families got out into nature and found ways to keep cool! With a trip to the ice cream store, a run through the splash pad at the zoo, and a swim at the neighborhood pool, they had lots of fun closing out the summer season while I tagged along to document these tiny little moments that are everything.

Documentary photography means nothing posed. I do get the occasional posed portrait, and I do think that portraits are important and beautiful pictures to have. But to me the meat of the coconut is the everyday moments of joy and connection. The details of our lives as families that make us who we are, and that turn out to be fleeting.

The days are long but the years are short

The best part of documentary family photography is that nobody has to do anything they don't want to do. Your chaos is beautiful and your family is perfect just as they are in each moment. And I can show you that!

Enjoy some of my favorites from my August Year in the Life photo sessions:

Year in the Life Family Photography

A spin on the Day in the Life sessions that I offer, Year in the Life is a photography subscription. A sort of set it and forget it way of capturing an entire year of your family's life through photos of moments you might have missed or forgotten.

Year in the Life is offered three ways: monthly, every other month or every season. It includes a few portraits and mostly candid documentary family photography. At the end of the year I make an album of highlights for the family to cherish.

If you think you might be interested in a Year in the Life subscription for your family, reach out and let me know. Space is very limited and I'll begin sign up in early November!

Real life family photography for parents who understand how quickly it's all going by and see the beauty in their everyday magic.