Jun 19, 2022

YEAR IN THE LIFE Family Photography | MAY 2022 | Atlanta

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

Documentary Family Photography

The end of May brought a horrible tragedy to my family, with the loss of my big brother. It's been hard to continue working, my brain has been pretty scattered. At the same time my work has had more meaning. Documenting these special connections we have is so very important.

I've also recently spent a lot of time looking through pictures of me and my brothers from childhood. The posed portraits get half a glance, but it's the photos of us being our wild and crazy selves, and that show the places that these moments happened that mean the most to me. The documentary family photos make me feel something when I see them.

Hold your loved ones close, and get in the pictures with them.

My May YITL sessions included physical therapy, a walk on school campus in honor of the end of the school year, pool time, a family hike and a soccer game. Enjoy some of my favorite photos from my May Year in the Life sessions:

Year in the Life is a monthly documentary family photography subscription. I meet with families monthly or bi-monthly to tag along as a fly on the wall as they go about their beautiful everyday, and I tell a piece of their story through photos. At the end of the year they get an album of their year.

Sign up for 2023 will open in November 2022, with limited availability. Want get first dibs? Send me an email and I'll be sure to let you know when you can sign up!